Saturday 21 April 2012

true love story of birds

true love story of birds

Many people think animal & birds dont have brain & feelings but these pics discribe there feelings and Love .This is true love story .watch by heart .
Here is mate is injured & the condision is fatal .She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.
Here he brought for her food & attendent to her with Love & compassion .
Here he brought for her food again but shocked to find her dead .He tried to move her .....a raerly-seen effort for swallows !
Aware his sweet heart is dead and will never come back again to him .He cries with adoring love ...
He stood beside her ,Saddened of her death
Finnaly aware she would never return to him ,He stood beside her dead body with sadeness and sorrow .
Million of people cried after seeing these pictures .you have just witness Love and Sorrow .

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